Price: Rolls-Royce Spectre (2023) from around 390,000 eurosThe first electric car with the “Spirit of Ecstasy” on the front is called Rolls-Royce Spectre (202

The Ferrari Purosangue is the first four-door four-seater from Ferrari, models with two rear seats have played an important role in the company’s strategy from the very begin

ConsumptionCombined fuel consumption: 11.9 l/100 km, urban fuel consumption: 14.9 l/100 km, extra-urban fuel consumption: 10.7 l/100 km, combined CO emissions: 270 g/km Equipment4-

The 296 GTB, an evolution of Ferrari’s two-seater rear mid-engined sports berlinetta concept, represents a revolution for the Maranello-based company as it introduces the new

Exclusive,expressive, electrified: The first BMW XM combinespioneering drive technology with a spectacularVehicle concept. The high-performance automobile in the shape of aSports A